Wednesday, December 12, 2012

21 day photo documentation (For my teachers)

 This is my photo from day one.

The food was kept at about 75 degrees Fahrenheit consistently  with plenty of light, and a dry atmosphere. This experiment was conducted over the course of 21 days. The funny thing is, it never stunk, that was unexpected, but pleasant ;)
This is my photo from the final day, isn't it cool how neither the pickle nor the egg decayed? The pickle just withered up, and the egg remained the exact same.

There you go! That's my submission!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

My gaming baby sister.

My sister Lucy, gamer in the making.

Lucy moments

All nice and comfy! Snug as a bug in a rug!

Or not! She was so little when we took these! Now she's 10 months old and starting to walk!

Lucy is getting bathed by Aaron for one of the first times! She is so tiny! But trust me, she got HUGE!

And of course, she is in her crib, screaming, but Aaron is still very happy to be by her!

Some Aaron moments.

A very commonly seen Aaron moment, the pout lip, it's so ugly that it's cute! But, he also has some awesome moments, he's not just a pouting brat. 

Here Aaron is, helping bath a newborn Lucy, he's a bit confused, but he loves her!

And of course Hannah needed some help with opening her presents, his birthday doesn't come often enough!

There he is, just being the cutest little bro I have ever seen!
 I love him so much!

Wow, I wish that I had such a liberty, to just eat, then sleep.

He loves my baby sister Lucy so much! How cute! Do you see
how exited he is?!?

Rock on little man! Rock on! This is actually the result of my sisters dressing him, it got a bit out of hand.....

And then they took it way to far...

Those are some Aaron moments! Comment if you liked them!

Out shooting.

Aaron (left) and I (right) Are out shooting!

 Well, there is my awesome brother on my left, his name is Aaron, and I'm over there on right aiming at an empty jug at about 250 yards out. (Didn't hit it, not a chance.) 

Me yet again shooting at the jug.

I love Aaron so much! He doesn't care if I'm playing a video game that doesn't interest him at all, he will still come and be with me, it's nice to have someone that looks up to you. So I better watch what I say and do, because he will copy me, and sometimes, that's a bad thing.
There's Aaron, learning how to reload.

Aaron loves to watch me do things, here he is trying to learn how to reload, I tried to teach him, but he was only two when we took this so that wasn't so successful.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Post comments!

So, gimme something to work with. Please leave comments to tell me what to do with this blog! I don't care if you think that this is the worlds worst blog ever, just tell me so that I can improve. Thanks for your time!
~ Chris

Thanks for viewing!

Thanks for viewing! It will get much cooler over time, but I will have to do some more stuff, can I get some ideas for my blog? What do you peeps want for this website? Like I said, it's in its baby stages, but with your help, we can improve! Let me know what you want to see!
~ Chris

Ignore all of my comments on this, I edited it.

Sup my peeps?!?

Hey guys! This is my new blog, and I will eventually make this blog to make fun of culture and internet! That's not all though, we're gonna have some techy stuff! Such as code, file navigation, and much much more!